Paul Chen Swords

Whenever the name Paul Chen is mentioned you immediately associate it with quality swords and


As a young man growing up in Taiwan he could not afford to buy antique or custom made articles so

he began making them himself.

As his reputation grew he decided to go into full time manufacture and in 1991 set up his first

plant in the “steel city”, Dalian in northern China.

Having trained several talented people to be first class sword and knife makers, he opened his

first factory, Dalian Hanwei Metal Co Ltd (Hanwei) in 1993. Initially they mainly produced Samurai

swords which are currently still widely sought after. An unusual feature is that the company restores

old and damaged Samurai swords to their original beauty.

In the mid 1990s the Company, under Chen’s direction, introduced European style swords into their

existing line of swords. These proved popular around the world, particularly with sword


At the same time Hanwei also expanded its line of knives.

In 2002 the Company moved into larger facilities and now has over 300 highly trained employees. By

combining traditional forging techniques, such as using hammers and anvils with modern metallurgy,

Hanwei swords are a finely crafted product.

While initial polishing is done by machine, the final polish is done by the traditional method by


Installation of a state of the art furnace is enabling Hanwei to produce its own high-alloy steels

and sophisticated heat treating equipment and techniques are producing some remarkable blades with

excellent edge holding capability and resilience.

Despite the use of modern techniques Hanwei continues to combine traditional craftsmanship with

modern tooling and metallurgy in a way that enables it to supply a world wide market while meeting

or exceeding the quality of custom made products.

These days Paul Chen’s son Ron is the driving force behind Hanwei as the Company continues its

founder’s unceasing passion for sword excellence.

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